Thursday, November 20, 2014

Oh Foggy Day

For our first morning at the cottage, our resident chicken left us a little treat.  We added it to the four Dave and Jadzia left for us on our arrival day...along with bread, Irish butter, chocolate croissants, fruit and tea.  The Irish really are a very hospitable lot!
Today was our day to take it easy and just check out the neighboring village, Stoneyford, and Kilkenny.  When Dave came over this morning to clean out last night's ashes and set today's fire, he told us about Knockdrinna and their famous cheese located in Stoneyford.  So after chatting with him a little we headed over to Knockdrinna and had a delicious caramelized onion and feta quiche with salads (pasta, cole slaw and potato...yes, all 3!)  It was so tasty and the folks were so nice.  We picked up some cheese to bring back to the cottage.
After lunch, we headed into Kilkenny to check out the sites.  When we got into town, it was so foggy which seemed perfect for going to a medieval castle.  Kilkenny Castle in the heart of town and dates back to the early 13th century. Unfortunately photography is not allowed in the castle to preserve delicate artifacts so I only have exterior shots.  When the man selling tickets found out I was from South Carolina he told us that the first governor of the state was one of the Butlers of Kilkenny Castle.  We smiled politely but knew his South Carolina history was a bit off.  He did spin a good yarn about all the different Kilkenny Butlers that had a connection with US history.

When we came out of the castle, we could barely see our hand in front of our face!  We popped in the Kilkenny Design Center and then headed back to the cottage for the evening.  With a roaring fire and an episode of East Enders, we were good for the night.

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